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amy berkowitz: what does writing teach us about writing?

When we write, we accumulate words, sentences, and pages, but we also accumulate knowledge. I believe that whenever we’re writing, we’re teaching ourselves how to write — and whenever we share our writing with friends, we teach each other how to write.

In this workshop, we’ll consider what our writing has taught us so far, identify obstacles we’re facing in our current projects, and experiment with prompts, constraints, and interventions that might reveal new ways to surmount these obstacles. 

The first half of our day will be conversations and writing experiments, and the second half of our day will be unstructured writing time. Before we part, we’ll reconvene and optionally share our writing. 

This workshop is for anyone who is in the middle of writing or trying to write something in any genre — in fact, the more genres, the better!

Amy Berkowitz is the author of Gravitas (Éditions du Noroît / Total Joy, 2023) and Tender Points (Nightboat Books, 2019). Her writing and conversations have appeared in publications including BitchThe BelieverBOMB, and Jewish Currents. Often mistaken for a poet, she has primarily been writing fiction since 2017; she’s currently working on a novel that she likes to call Untitled Bisexual Jumpsuits Project. She lives in San Francisco, where she cohosts the Light Jacket Reading Series with Erick Sáenz. 

June 1

reading: an evening of bisexual poetry and prose

July 28

residency open house: balancing act