writing workshop: bazi astrology

writing workshop: bazi astrology

in conversation with an exhibition curated by shirin makaremi for the SF Arts Commission, Sun Park and Shirin Khalatbari will host a writing workshop.

In this writing workshop, we will recall and reimagine experiences we have had with religion and spirituality.  We will consider ways of rooting spiritual practice in the elements and in the seasons, in response to BaZi astrology.

This workshop ties back to Sun's practice and artwork they will be exhibiting in the show. forest, a BaZi astrologist, will lead an introduction to BaZi followed by individual readings.

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writing day

writing day


While there won't be prompts, we encourage writers to explore the theme of 'structure' in their work. Look at the big picture - which scene goes where, and then what? Make a list of the punctuation marks you use and see what patterns emerge. Are you writing in the present or past tense, or something else? Does it change? Map out where you use dialogue, summary, imagery and see which tools you rely on more often than others, and where you might want to throw something different in.

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SOAR - a brunch concert

SOAR - a brunch concert

the band SOAR will be in residency for the week ending on this day - this event will be their offering to the community. shannon bodrogi is a fellow of whp and has invited their bandmates share time with them here at whp. the event will require an rsvp as space will be limited. stay tuned. update: cave babies will open for soar.

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writing day: disruption

writing day: disruption

While there won't be prompts, we encourage writers to explore the theme of 'disruption' in their work. Perhaps you cut a scene in half, or maybe a new character knocks on the door and takes the plot for a spin, or you throw in a random image in a line of poetry, maybe you even cut everything up and see what new writing will emerge from the chaos. How you choose to engage with the theme is totally up to you, and totally optional.

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kin salt seance - a potluck

kin salt seance - a potluck

the seance will start at 3pm and unfold organically with no set schedule or end. it will begin in the light of day and end in the dark of night - you might choose to be here for the duration or pop in and see what you experience while you are here. mirrors, light, sound and film - in conversation.

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amy berkowitz: what does writing teach us about writing?

amy berkowitz: what does writing teach us about writing?

When we write, we accumulate words, sentences, and pages, but we also accumulate knowledge. I believe that whenever we’re writing, we’re teaching ourselves how to write — and whenever we share our writing with friends, we teach each other how to write.

In this workshop, we’ll consider what our writing has taught us so far, identify obstacles we’re facing in our current projects, and experiment with prompts, constraints, and interventions that might reveal new ways to surmount these obstacles. 

The first half of our day will be conversations and writing experiments, and the second half of our day will be unstructured writing time. Before we part, we’ll reconvene and optionally share our writing. 

This workshop is for anyone who is in the middle of writing or trying to write something in any genre — in fact, the more genres, the better!

Amy Berkowitz is the author of Gravitas (Éditions du Noroît / Total Joy, 2023) and Tender Points (Nightboat Books, 2019). Her writing and conversations have appeared in publications including BitchThe BelieverBOMB, and Jewish Currents. Often mistaken for a poet, she has primarily been writing fiction since 2017; she’s currently working on a novel that she likes to call Untitled Bisexual Jumpsuits Project. She lives in San Francisco, where she cohosts the Light Jacket Reading Series with Erick Sáenz. 

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reading: an evening of bisexual poetry and prose

reading: an evening of bisexual poetry and prose

Amy Berkowitz is the author of Gravitas (Éditions du Noroît / Total Joy, 2023) and Tender Points (Nightboat Books, 2019). Her writing and conversations have appeared in publications including BitchThe BelieverBOMB, and Jewish Currents. Often mistaken for a poet, she has primarily been writing fiction since 2017; she’s currently working on a novel that she likes to call Untitled Bisexual Jumpsuits Project. She lives in San Francisco, where she cohosts the Light Jacket Reading Series with Erick Sáenz. 

Hannah Kezema is an artist who works across mediums. She is the author of the debut hybrid poetry collection, This Conversation Is Being Recorded (Game Over Books, 2023), and the chapbook, three (Tea and Tattered Pages, 2017). Her work appears in BOMB MagazineBlack Sun LitGrimoireFull Stop, and other places. She is also the co-editor of Moving Parts Press’s broadside series of Latinx and Chicanx poetry in collaboration with Felicia Rice and Angel Dominguez. She lives in the Santa Cruz mountains by the sea, among the redwoods and Wildflowers.

Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta is an anarchist artist and poet interested in ways of living and telling. A Latinx Jewish person of mixed indigenous & settler descent from the unceded lands of the Tongva people, Tatiana is a long term guest in Yelamu, on unceded Ramaytush Ohlone land. 

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film screening: the blue description project

film screening: the blue description project

a collaboration with personal space. film screening support by john davis.

The Blue Description Project (BDP) is an audio description and captioning project—produced by Crip*—Cripistemology and the Arts in collaboration with Voices in the Gallery — that engages Derek Jarman's Blue (1993) via expanded and critical accessibility. 

As Jarman wrote in Chroma (1994): “If I have overlooked something you hold precious—write it in the margin.” BDP takes up this invitation by creating a new, experimental iteration of Blue on the 30th anniversary of its release and Jarman’s death. The BDP iteration features creative captions and audio description that have been sourced from numerous contributors. It attempts to convey, express, engage, respond, evoke, articulate, replicate, translate, transmogrify, channel, and transcend what Blue is/was/could be....

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writing day: bare bones

writing day: bare bones

update: this writing day is full. if you rsvp you will be on waiting list! thanks for your interest. future writing days are listed and will be available for sign up a month prior to the date.

We will be trying out a new form of Writing Days to find what is essential, both in our writing and in the day's schedule. This will help us at Winslow in planning a long-lasting shape (or multiple shapes) for the series. Instead of a page of prompts and a cooked lunch, we will rely on the theme to guide us (or not!) and participants will bring a dish to add to the potluck. The hosts will provide a large bowl of brown rice and black beans as a main dish and attendees are welcome to bring food to complement it or something else nourishing they're excited to share.

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film screening: greetings from free forests by ian soroka

film screening: greetings from free forests by ian soroka

Drifting through the densely forested landscape of southern Slovenia—GREETINGS FROM FREE FORESTS, like a lifting fog, reveals a refuge of embedded historical memory. The film travels alongside the testimonies of local hunters, foresters, cavers, and foragers among others—orbiting around an absence left by radical struggle after it has come to fruition and since faded.

During WWII, this forest served as a sanctuary for the Partisan Liberation Front, who were resisting the Fascist occupation of Yugoslavia. Remnants of this event can still be found throughout the forest in various states of decay, but also within images that sought to preserve the revolution’s emancipatory energy for future generations; images now stored in an underground film archive buried within the forest itself, depicting both the violence and the hope that came with radical change.

ian soroka (b. 1987) works in non-fiction forms of film and video.

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lost dog listening party. slightly larger than a male cat.

lost dog listening party. slightly larger than a male cat.

Cole Pulice is a composer, saxophonist and electroacoustic musician from Oakland-via-Minneapolis.

Fountainsun is the work of Daniel Higgs and Fumie Ishii. Their debut LP, Music Today, is a bright and expressive blend of percussion, strings, flutes, voices, and a tumult of poetry rumbling out from the very center of The Big Bang, traversing eons of song.

Halo is Juana Molina's seventh album, it contains twelve songs and was recorded in her home studio outside of Buenos Aires, and at Sonic Ranch Studio in Texas.

rsvp via the answering machine, and please tell us where you found our dog. call (707) 562-5595.

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